Farm Equipment

Lucas CAV DPA Fuel Injection Pump

Fuel Injectors Services

Fuel Injection Pumps Lucas CAV DPA Remanufactured


Celect Fuel Injector Remanufactured for Cummins M11
 Part Number  Replacement



Lucas CAV DPA Fuel Injection Pump Fits Massey Ferguson Perkins Diesel 3248F391. 3248F391; 0006MUP; LS57.0L850/2/2170; 36532/36538/36549/37858/38328. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU MATCH THE SAME EXACT PART NUMBER BEFORE PURCHASING IT. LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.
DESCRIPTION OF THE FUEL INJECTION PUMP. The injection pump is a single-cylinder, opposed-plunger, inlet-metering, distributor-type pump fitted with a mechanical flyweight-type governor and a hydraulically operated automatic advance mechanism. The pump is flange-mounted on the rear of the engine front mounting plate and is driven by the timing chain.

A splined quill shaft, having a master spline at each end to ensure correct location, transmits the drive from the chain wheel to the injection pump drive hub. A central rotating member forms the pumping and distributing rotor, and this is driven by the drive hub through a splined drive shaft on which is mounted the governor flyweight assembly. Mounted on the outer end of the pumping and distributing rotor is a sliding-vane-type transfer pump.

This pump raises the fuel pressure to an intermediate level, and as its capacity is many times the maximum requirements of the injection pump a regulating valve, housed in the pump end plate, allows excess fuel to be by-passed back to the suction side of the transfer pump. The pressure regulating valve, in addition to regulating the pressure of the fuel from the transfer pump, also provides a means of by-passing the transfer pump when priming the injection pump. 3, it will be seen that the valve is cylindrical and contains a small free piston, the travel of which is limited by two light springs. When priming the injection pump, fuel at lift pump pressure enters the central port in the regulating-valve sleeve and moves the free piston against the pressure of the piston retaining spring to uncover the priming port in the lower end of the valve sleeve. When the injection pump is in operation fuel at transfer pressure enters the lower end of the valve sleeve, forcing the free piston upwards against the regulating spring.

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 5003 Oates RD UNIT- F Houston, Tx 77013

 (713) 363-1090

 (713) 673-3941

 Monday through Friday 8:30 to 6:00pm

 Saturday 8:30 to 2:00pm


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