The Caterpillar 3126 was a 7.2 litre diesel engine offered in light to medium-duty buses and school buses.
The 3126 featured electronic controls with CAT's hydraulic electronically controlled unit injection fuel system (HEUI). The HEUI controls fuel injection to better meet emissions while maintaining attractive economy and performance.
Begining January 1998, a new version of the engine known as the 3126B was launched meeting the 1998 EPA, CARB, and Canadian emissions. The 3126B used an improved HEUI system with the HI150 injector for the 175 and 190 hp ratings and the HI300 injector on the higher output engines. The injectors use CAT's PRIME system (PReInjection-MEtering). A spill port located in the injector's plunger cavity allowed for a very short injection of fuel during the ignition delay period and before main injection. This helped reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and noise emissions. The engine boasted meeting the 1998 emissions without a catalytic converter.
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